Tuesday, January 12, 2010

Pool Algaecide! how to choose & use them

The appearing of algae in the pool is always unpleasant and can be potentially dangerous unless treated quickly with a reliable pool algaecide. It is essential to recognize the signs of the invasion first – you can be dealing with green or black algae, but the most obvious first symptom is the water turning cloudy and green. The reasons for the infection can be many, but the lack of proper sanitizing of the pool is the most common one. The good news is that the algaecides provide a great solution to the problem. Still, it is important not to use these chemical for preventative purposes.

There are mainly two types of pool algaecide depending on the active ingredient – metallic and ammonia based ones. Generally, both have disadvantages. The copper based chemicals can turn the hair green when in a chemical reaction with the chlorine in the pool while the ones with ammonia create foam formations on the water, which are harmless, but unpleasant. The good news is that there are innovative algaecides coming from reliable manufacturers that have no such side effects whatsoever or at least these are reduced to the very minimum. So, look for chemicals that have non-coloring and non-foaming effects.

It is of great importance for you to check the label of the pool algaecide you are planning to use before buying it. In order for the chemicals to work beneficially and quickly the concentration of the active ingredient should be 30% or more. Otherwise, the effectiveness of the algaecide will not be sufficient. Also, it is best if you go for a product that has both cleaning and protective actions so that the chance of algae appearing in your pool again is reduced to a minimum.

Once you have got the right pool algaecide, you should follow strictly the instructions for use. It is essential not to overdose the chemical as this can lead to inefficiency and potentially harmful side effects. You should try to spend the chemicals as evenly as possible around the pool covering all its sides thoroughly so that the ingredients can work optimally and more quickly. It is best to allow the algaecide to work overnight even if the product promises a faster action. You should check carefully whether it is possible for people to use the swimming pool while the chemicals work. In the majority of cases this should not be a problem, but you have to make sure you are on the safe side.

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