Thursday, December 3, 2009

Swimming Pool Repairs 5 ThingMoney Saving

1) Heaters. If you have an old swimming pool heater that does not want to start it may be time to consider a new heating option. Gas heaters are very expensive to operate and also to purchase so a shift to solar heating could save you a lot of money. Solar installation is very easy depending on the configuration of yard and house. The actual solar panels themselves can be installed by almost anyone in a single day. The more difficult part of installing solar heaters is getting the water to and from the panels which are often installed on the roof of the house or pool shed. In a single weekend with minimal tools and effort you can completely eliminate your pool heating costs. Pool solar heaters are becoming more efficient and can dramatically warm swimming temperatures. The best combination is to have both gas and solar heating to elongate the swimming season as well as reduce operating costs.

2) Pumps.
If you have an old swimming pool pump that will not start at the beginning of the pool season you might not need a new pump just yet. Assuming that the pump has electricity supplied to it properly, a swimming pool motor may hum when you turn it on but not actually begin pumping. In this situation you can try hitting the casing of the motor with a rubber mallet or piece of wood. The shock force of doing this is often enough to get an old and worn pump moving. Once the pump is moving it will likely run for another pool season if you do not shut it off. This can give you another year to plan to service or replace your aging pool pump.

3) Dye Test. A dye test can be performed by any pool professional. A DIY approach to dye testing is possible using the red liquid droplets from a pool water chemistry testing kit. Any place where you suspect there may be a leak you can squirt a few droplets of the red dye around. Watch the red dye to see if it gets sucked out through the suspected leaking area. This test should be done when the pool water is as calm as possible

4) Liner Replacement. If you are a DIY guru then you could potentially save thousands of dollars by installing your own replacement vinyl liner. This is a relatively extensive process that requires few tools and can be completed over the course of a weekend with some preparation. You should research this subject well and follow an online tutorial if you intend to install your own liner. You can also order your new liner online depending on where you live, at or near wholesale cost, further increasing the savings. An average in ground vinyl liner replacement can cost around $3000. By doing it yourself you can do the same job for as little as $1000-$2000

5) Filter. One of the most common service items for pool filters is the replacement of the filter sand itself. The filter sand weighs a few hundred pounds when dry and much more when wet. The process of removing the old sand from the filter can be very difficult but otherwise this is a very easy DIY repair. The secret to removing the old sand is to drain the filter a few days in advance by opening the top port by removing the dial valve as well as the bottom drain plug. This will allow much of the water weight to drain from the sand. You can then use a wet dry shop vacuum to suck out the old sand. This is a relatively slow process but an easy one by comparison to digging hundreds of pounds of old and dirty sand from your filter with a tiny shovel. This will also reduce the likelihood of damaging the laterals at the bottom of the filter since the vacuum will not damage them like digging out the sand can.

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