Sunday, December 6, 2009

Winter is Coming & a Swimming Pool

Danny Rhodehamel from Inyo Pool Products has found that many of his customer's have problems with their pool equipment not starting properly during spring start up. Rhodehamel stated "many people do not close their swimming pool properly during the spring and it may cause unnecessary expenses during spring start up" Here is a check list of things to do before closing your pool for the winter.

By properly closing your pool for winter, you spend less time and money opening your pool in the spring will eliminate additional electrical costs, chemicals and cleaning avoids possible freeze damage to equipment and plumbing

Step 1

Several days prior to closing the pool, test the water for pH, total alkalinity, calcium hardness and chlorine. Adjust levels if necessary. It is important to get the water balanced to protect the pool from corrosion or scale buildup that can occur during the period the pool is shut down. Use a water test kit to test for:

PH 7.2 - 7.6

Alkalinity 80 - 120 ppm

Calcium Hardness 175 - 250 ppm

Chlorine 1 - 3 ppm

Step 2

Your pool needs to be clean before winterizing. Brush and vacuum sides and bottom. Use Super Shimmer or a Clarifier to get water crystal clear. Lower water level while vacuuming (set filter to waste bypassing sand). Clean the tile line with Tile & Vinyl Cleaner to remove oil and scum line. This will be easier to get off now before it sets on during winter months.

Step 3

To help protect water quality during the winter months, use a Winterizing Kit. Follow instruction on product labels. Additional algaecide and shock can be purchased separately for larger size pools.

Step 4

Clean the filter, skimmer, and pump basket. Remove all unused chlorine product from Chlorinator. Cartridge filter elements and D.E. grids should be sprayed with Filter Cleaner and rinsed clean with a garden hose. Sand Filters should be backwashed.

Step 5

Lower water of pool below returns and skimmer. Never completely drain a pool – Hydrostatic pressure can cause damage. Using an air compressor or shop vac (attached to the blower side of the vac), blow water out of system by forcing air down skimmer and through the plumbing. Add Anti-Freeze to plumbing and install threaded winter plugs to return fittings to keep water out of lines. Anti-Freeze is a non-toxic formula. DO NOT USE AUTOMOBILE ANTIFREEZE.

Step 6

Remove all drain plugs from pump, filter tank and any other pool equipment. Follow the manufacturers’ instructions for your specific equipment. Place all drain plugs in pump basket for storage.

Step 7

Air pillows need to be inflated with a leaf blower or shop vac. Tie off air pillow in the center of pool, larger pools will require 2 or more air pillows. The air pillows will shed water toward the edge of pool for easier removal. They also allow forming ice to crack inward preventing damage to the shell or structure of the pool.

Step 8

Place winter cover over pool surface, black side down. There are different covers for in ground and above ground pools.

Above Ground Pools:

A cable and winch are included to fasten cover under top ledge of pool.

In Ground Pools and Pools With Decks:

Place water tubes end to end around edge of pool. Fill water tubes 1/2 full of water (do not over fill or expanding water will damage water tube). Water tubes are sold separately. Never use concrete blocks, bricks, etc to secure cover because they can damage pool cover or pool.

If you follow these easy steps in the winter. Spring Start up will be a snap!

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